Tuesday 10 May 2016

Effective library management software with N2N Systems

Library Management Software
Library Management Software
Efficient management and use of the library resources in a College Library required integration of latest technology as the Librarians lonely has to do all the errands in the library. This always causes delays in assisting the students to get the information they need as well as Diffusion of books to maximum number students in library periods allotted to the program.

Towards facilitate the successful use of books the School, colleges Library has started computerization with the Library Management Software developed in our company by the experts. The software provides services for list search, Dissemination of books and magazines, reservation of books, reports, class library management, fine collection, library statistics etc. Reports on the books issue, reservation position, searched books by member and accession number, book suggestion and selection, budget expense and more for N2N Systems experts are available.

For More Detailed Visit Our Link:

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